Do you have any suggestion about how browsing your on-line catalogue?
Please consider that most of product files do show several pictures with different finishings and solutions: sometimes, even if the thumbnail doesn't fully reflect what you're looking for, you might find in a file more than you could expect from the thumbnail itself. To appreciate pictures to their most we suggest to view them by clicking on "Print this page": printable version opens a new window which offers a broader view, can be saved and printed. If you already know the name of the collection you're looking for you can get to the appropriate category and view the "Products alphabetical list" right below the main product menu (upper right of your screen).
Can you send us a full paper catalogue?
We don't have a full paper catalogue available. The collections we can supply are so broad and deep that it's not an easy task to confine them to a limited number of pages. The digital format allows completeness and frequent updates without burdening your shopping with printing costs for tens of thousands paper catalogues.
Some product files show measures and price. How is these info supposed to be evaluated?
Measures refer in most cases to the solution to which price shown refers as well: if more than a solution is shown we'll point out a sequential order to identify the relative image. Prices shown are simply an example of a possible range: every customer will be assisted by an interior designer to calculate the exact cost of collections chosen.
We're interior designers in our own country. Can we rely on you as partners to supply some of your exclusive collections to our costumers?
Of course you can. We have italian-english-french speaking consultants who can assist you through all your needs: available sizes, finishings and solutions; detailed assembling schemes and precise delivery planning. Our expertise, built in decades of work in the field, is a warranty for the quality of services we can render, both to private costumers and corporate partners. Please contact us for any additional info.
How can I get more info about a collection I'm interested in?
You have several ways. You can get more info using the dedicated forms available on each product file; chatting with an interior designer; by phone-fax-email; you can visit us (best by planning a meeting using the form in the "Find Us" page).
Do I have to pay for consulting an interior designer?
Normally not. A huge amount of preliminary information and suggestions is completely free. Full detailed planning and availability of technical schemes and drawings is free for our costumers: value of these services is included in the price of systems bought.
Where can you supply your collections?
Our main markets are the north of Italy and Switzerland, but we have costumers all across Italy and the rest of the world (Europe, America, Asia and north Africa). We can deliver goods all over the world: to Italy, Europe and the US we ship through logistic partners who are furniture specialized carriers and thus can render insurance on your goods. In London and Paris we have assembling teams at your disposal even for minor supplies: feel free to contact our team for more info.
How long does it take for goods to be delivered after an order is placed?
It depends on which collections are involved: on average, even for custom-made collections, it's 4-5 weeks for Italy and Switzerland, and 6-7 weeks for other countries. Sometimes delivery will be faster for products in stock (down to 2-3 weeks), or longer for products custome-made from the scracth (up to 8-9 weeks).
I live far from your company. Can you still assemble the goods supplied?
Our assembling teams service daily Lombardia, Piemonte, Liguria, Emilia and Switzerland. For more distant destinations it depends on how big the planned supply is: our technicians warrant efficiency and safe results, but could imply additional costs. Transfer costs of an assembling team to Paris or Berlin for example (trip, b&b) is convenient for bigger supplies which require special technical capabilities: for such a supply tranfer costs will be low or even included in the goods purchased. For a supply of a single room, maybe without any technical capability required, we suggest a self-made assembling: in case you choose this option our interior designers will make sure you'll get additional technical plans to help you with the installation process.
Which languages other than italian and english are supported?
Among our designing team you'll also find a french speaking consultant.